Parts: Little Lost Lamp NEW!
Layout | Writing | Sketching | Scrivener | InDesign | Photoshop | Illustrator | Pencil, Ink, Watercolours
What happens when a lamp is shipped to the customer and then forgotten?
This is a short work fitting in with the Parts universe. It is an eight-pager I hope to have ready for TCAF in the first week of May (whether or not I take part in TCAF).
Parts: An Industrial Fantasy NEW!
Layout | Writing | Sketching | Scrivener | InDesign | Photoshop | Illustrator | Pencil, Ink, Watercolours
This is my ongoing project to write, draw, and publish a Young Adult graphic novel based on my experiences working on the assembly line in an auto-parts factory. I am working with the amazing editor and book developer Jackie Brown to create this.
Nineteen Tales of COVID-19
Layout | Writing | Design | Scrivener | InDesign | Photoshop | Illustrator
This compilation of tales from the first days of the pandemic was organized by Jackie Brown. Nineteen authors contributed stories, and I was one of them! My story is called "The Rabbit Hole".
The book has been published, and is available on Amazon and Kobo!
The Time Warrior Project
Animation | Programming | Sketching | Photoshop | Illustrator | Sketch | X-Acto knife, glue, paper, cardboard
This project was inspired by a passing mention in an old science-fiction book of a time machine built into a ring. The story mentioned looking through the menus, possible subsections, etc. I started to wonder, well, what would this look like?
Samsung Phone Advertisement
Animation | Programming | Photoshop | Illustrator | Flash
This was an assignment in second term at Durham. We had to build a Flash-based animated advertisement for Samsung mobile phones. Technically, I'm not sure whether it's truly animated; each state of the advertisement is a different frame in the timeline, and it uses ActionScript actions to go to specific frames when elements of the advertisement are clicked.
Snowboards and Hoodies
Drawing | Photoshop | Illustrator | Sublime Text 2
This was an assignment in second term at Durham. We had create a design for snowboards and hoodies. I prepared a selection of ideas, and, to my surprise, the teacher chose something I'd drawn in my sketchbook as a passing joke: what kind of sheep would we get steel wool from?
A Comparison of Screen Resolutions
Math | Photoshop | Illustrator | Acrobat
This was an assignment in third term at Durham, designed to illustrate fitting images to screens of different dimensions. The image linkes to a PDF; if the PDF is viewed in Acrobat, it can go to full-screen mode and page automatically.
ISBN | Four-colour Printing | Story planning | Photoshop | InDesign | Illustrator
The beginnings of a story set in a universe where the remains of Humanity are trapped on an island above the clouds. There is a Facebook page for the project.
The Adventures of Sugar-free Shawn
ISBN | Four-colour Printing | Client interviewing | Photoshop | InDesign | Illustrator
This was a comic that I drew and assembled for Shawn Shepheard.
This was my first exposure to completing a work and publishing it as a PDF and in in printed form, with an ISBN and everything.
Ikön Quick Start Guide
Spot-colour Printing | SME interviewing | Photoshop | InDesign | Illustrator | CAD system
In my old job at Psion Teklogix (now part of Motorola Solutions), one of the things I did was to build "quick-start guides" for various products. Quick-start guides were intended to be the first thing the customer read upon unpacking the product, so they were visual and direct sets of instructions for setting up the product.
These quick-start guides were fun to do. The first one required a lot of fiddling to get right, but eventually we got a system down, and I could just call up the printer and everyone knew what to do.
Workabout Pro Hardware Development Kit
Four-colour Printing | SME interviewing | FrameMaker | Photoshop | InDesign | Illustrator | CAD system
Another manual I did at Psion Teklogix was the Hardware Development Kit for the Workabout Pro mobile handheld computer.
This was one of my favourite manuals to do, because it involved documenting both hardware and software, taking photographs of how things were assembled, and doing drawings of the assembly.